1. A single copy of an original article should be typed 1.5-spaced, font size 12, on sheets of paper with standard margins. It’s desirable to submit an article typed in Microsoft Word 97 or PageMaker 6.5 on a floppy disk.

2. The articles submitted should not be less than 4 typed pages, including the abstract and list of references. Legends to photographs and illustrations are to be submitted separately. The size of theoretical articles must be submitted to the approval of the editorial board.

3. Page 1 should include: 1) the authors’ names and initials;  2)the title of the article; 3) the department, laboratory and institution where the work has been carried out, city, country.

4. A single copy of each photograph is to be submitted, only one of them bearing a legend. Write the article title, author’s name on the back side of the photographs, numerate them, and indicate the top and bottom. Legends should be delivered on separate sheets of paper. The location of the photographs in the text should be indicated. Photomontages are acceptable as well.

5. Abstract in English (0.5 typed page in size) should be sent with the article.

6. References cited in the article text should be numbered in square brackets and according to the list of references where the authors are enumerated in alphabetical order. The author, title of the article, place of publication, publishing house, publication year, volume, number, edition number, pages (from-to) should be indicated.

7. At the end of the article, signatures of first author must be affixed along with academic degree, address, and phone number.

8. The editorial board retains the right to shorten and edit the articles sent, taking into consideration the reviewer’s remarks.

9. Manuscripts not prepared according to the instructions will be returned to the authors without consideration. The reprints will not be sent to the authors.