2008, ¹ 3





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 9-12.


Institute of Medical Biotechnology;

Pharmaceutical Company “GPC”, Tbilisi, Georgia


The aim of our study was to define determinants of the oxidation process and NO content in the biological fluids of patients with chronic stomatologic herpes infection. The results of our research showed that during acute herpes free-radical processes are activated and at the same time antioxidant reserves of the ferment systems are exhausted, resulting in NO suppression, dysmetabolism, and damage to the cell membranes. Addition of the immunomodulating preparation Polioxidonium is followed by normalization of immunity and redox-system of the organism.



Influence of lithium oxybutirate on RABBITS’ cytokine status during General and local allergic reactions

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 12-15.


Department of Pathophysiology, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The aim of the investigation was to study the influence of lithium microelements on animals and their cytokine status during anaphylactic shock and local allergic reactions (Arthus phenomenon).

The investigation was carried out on 36 Chinchilla rabbits in 2 series. Il-4 and Il-6 were determined in blood and lymph by the acute-phase immunopherment (API) method. The blood was taken from the rabbits’ marginal vein and lymph - from the thoracic lymph duct. Lithium 3% oxybutirate compounds were prepared in chemists shop.

 Results of the investigation were the following:

1.   IL-4 and IL-6 levels in the blood and lymph were increased in cases of general anaphylactic shock, as well as during local allergic reactions (Arthus phenomenon).

2.   Under influence of lithium oxybutirate IL-4 and IL-6 concentration in blood and lymph were decreased.

3.   The decrease of IL-4 level was more marked.



Depression and hypertension diseases

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 15-18.


Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia


The frequency of hypertonic diseases grew from 1438 to 2410 per 10000 of the Georgian population in the period of 1885-2002 years. The aim of the research was to estimate the spread of depression among the arterial hypertension patients. This theme is actual, because arterial hypertension and depression syndrome are very common. The research was held in the Diagnostic and rehabilitate medical centre of Batumi.

30 persons aged 30-55 years were researched. There were 15 women and 15 men among them. The research was held by using the Beck depression scale. The patients were divided into two groups, in the I group there were patients with arterial hypertension, but without depression. In the II group the medical treatment was held by standard hypertension ways, we tried to choose persons with only arterial hypertension. In the II group the patients underwent a combined therapy (with hypertension and antidepression treatment). The follow-up was held after 1-3months. Out of the researched patients, I stage of arterial hypertension (JNC-7) had 65, 3, II stage - 31, 5. Out of 30 patients, depression appeared in 52.1%. Light form depression occurred in 45.2%, middle form - in 26, 8% and hard form – in 21%. Adding of antidepression medicine to the complex therapy for arterial hypertension greatly improves the index of arterial pressure and just in a month of treatment there is noted its significant fall. The inclusion of modern antidepression medicine greatly increases and accelerates hypertension treatment effect.



Clinical-morfological and immunohistochemical parallels in SEROUS AND mucinoUs ovarian cystoadenocarsinomaS

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 18-21.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The aim of our research was to elaborate the matters of diagnosis, clinical presentation, progression and prediction of ovarian cancer on the basis of clinical-morphological and immunohistochemical investigation of interleukin-2 (IL-2) indices. To achieve this aim, there were conducted immunohistochemical researches of IL-2 (CD-25) expressions in tumorous ovarian parenchyma by the example of 67 patients.

We suggested a complex of immunohistochemical definition of IL-2 (CD-25) in the ovary tissues which allows to define histogenesis, specifying diagnosis, and to predict oothecomas even in case of their «combined differentiation».

 When a low level of IL-2 (0.00,1 c.u.) is determined in timorous ovary tissue, even in its early clinical stages (phases I-II) is recommended to prescribe carcinostatic clinical medicines, for example, recombinant specimen of interleukin-2 – roncoleukin. 




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 21-25.


Tbilisi State Medical University,Georgia


Chylothorax is a rare disorder, but it is the most common cause of pleural effusion in the fetus and neonates. It occurs as 1:10000-15000 deliveries, Male to female ratio 2:1 and 60% of cases involve the right side of the chest.   The perinatal mortality is 15-57%.  In association with hydrops, preterm delivery and lung hypoplasia the mortality rate ranges up to 98%. The clinical course of the primary chylothorax is highly variable from complete spontaneous resolution to progression into hydrops fetalis or lung hypoplasia, or both . In neonates it leads to respiratory distress, nutritional failure or immunologic  compromise, which increases nosocomial infections, high morbidity and mortality.  Treatment options include pleural dranage, cessation of enteral feeding, use of MCT formula feeding or Total Parenteral Nutrition ( TPN),  Somatostatin (Octreotide).  Surgery should be reserved for severe and refractory cases.

We present a case of chylothorax  that  was diagnosed antenatally and managed conservatively in the postnatal period. The fetus found to have an isolated right sided pleural effusion with no evidence of hydrops or other anomalies at 20-22 weeks gestation after the accident , when mother received the abdominal trauma. After birth chylothorax was diagnosed by ultrasonographic, chest radiographic data and results of investigation of pleural effusion. Conservative therapy (cessation of breastfeeding, use of MCT formula, thoracocentesis, pleural dranage, management of fluid, electrolyte, metabolic disorders)  was effective  and  the  patient  discharged without complications. 




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 25-28.


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Azerbaijan State Medical University

Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Baku


Factor-V-L associates almost with quadruple, and factor II-20210 G-A with triple increase in risk of a thrombosis in pregnant women. The necessity of revealing of specified anomalies during thrombic complications in pregnant women is dictated not only for diagnostics of not unclear cases, but also as the indication for the purpose of corresponding treatment and obstetric tactics preventing complications of pregnancy.



Ergonomic SituaTion in THE Stomatologic Institutions

of Shua Kartli REGION

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 28-32.


Department of Stomatology and Maxilofacial Surgery of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia


The paper presents the major indices or ergonomic expertise in stomatologic institutions of Schua Kartli, Georgia. It was shown that 43% of stomatologists express their displeasure by the working conditions. Almost half of the doctors suffer form various diseases which are caused by the specificity of stomatologists’ labor and by unsatisfactory labor conditions. In these organizations the major principles set by the President (No 564 of 01.10.1999) and the Minister of Health of Georgia (No309\N of 05.11.2002) are violated, affecting the quality of the job performed by the doctors, and thus infringe the rights of patients.


8. Isaev A.

The dynamicS of qualitATIVE and quantitATIVE changes in THE cardiomyosYte ultrastructurE of IMmaturE rats UNDER physical load

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 32-35.


Department of Human Anatomy of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The purpose of the work is to learn the ultrastructural changes in the cariomyosites of rats under a light physical load. For this purpose we used the electromicroscopic method.

The results of the investigation showed that during a month’s swimming visible changes had happened in the myofibrilles and mytochondries. During the 3rd and 5th months of swimming there was marked the hypertrophy of separate myofibrilles, increase in the quantity of the mytochondries and glycogen granules.



State of Cochlear AND Vestibular functionS in Patients

With Diabetes Mellitus

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 35-38.


Department of ENT, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


We have studied a condition of cochlear-vestibular function in 73 subjects of both sexes aged 19-70 with diabetes mellitus (D.M.) of different duration and course.

As a result of the complex study, both peripheral and central forms of the above mentioned disturbances have been revealed, the presence of which was also confirmed by the findings of the anamneses and the results of audiometry and vestibulometry.

It should also be stressed, that the degree of these disturbances depended on the duration of diabetes mellitus (D.M.) and accompanying complications.

Hence, the early diagnostics and timely treatment of the disease will enable medical professional to avoid the above mentioned disturbances. 


10. Huseynov B.

Topographical and age-related peculiarities of human tracheal glands

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 38-42.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of Human Anatomy, Baku


The study aimed to examine topographical and age-related peculiarities of the tracheal glands in persons of different ages. There have been examined the tracheal glands of 46 people. In total tracheal preparations the glands were stained by the technique of R.D. Sinelnikov (1948).

The results of the study revealed that glands on total preparations of the trachea are defined as black anatomical structures localized against a relatively light background of the walls of this organ. The topographical peculiarities of the glands localized in membranous and cartilaginous trachea walls are different.  In the cartilaginous wall of the organ the glands are localized in the intercartilaginous spaces and on cartilages’ level. In the precartilaginous areas of the trachea walls the glands are localized in the subcutaneous base, with the initial parts localized as one layer. The initial parts in the membranous trachea wall are localized in a layer-by-layer manner. In the cartilaginous wall, the mouths of glands’ excretory ducts are scattered almost evenly, but in the membranous wall they form longitudinal layers. In the area of trachea bifurcation the glandular aggregations are composed of a significant number of glands. The results show that gland microtopography changes significantly with aging. In the upper two thirds of its wall (membranous wall) the initial parts in front of smooth-muscled bundles determine its structure in the course of the whole postnatal ontogenesis. Beginning from the early childhood, the initial parts of these glands are as well localized in trachea adventitia layer, predominantly in its lower one third. In the second childhood period (8-12 years) the initial parts of the glands are revealed as well in the middle one third of tracheal membranous wall. In teenagers the initial parts of these glands are present along the whole trachea’s membranous wall.  



Simultaneous estimation of antibody and immune complex level in pregnant’ womenS ORAL CAVITY

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 42-45.


A. Aliyev State Institute of Advanced Training for Doctors, Baku, Azerbaijan


Studying of level IC depending on the maintenance of antibodies in an oral liquid at pregnant women with caries and IPD in comparative aspect was the purpose of the given work. Research was spent at 29 pregnant women, 18 pregnant women with IPD (the basic group), 11 pregnant women with caries (control group). Pregnant women were surveyed in 1 trimester of pregnancy (8-12 weeks). The analysis of correlation dependence between level IC and separate classes of antibodies at pregnant women with caries has revealed weak communications IC - IgG r=0,3; IC - IgA r=0,1. At pregnant women with IPD average was marked forces positive correlation communication between IC-IgG r=0,42 and IC- IgA r=0,44. The last speaks apparently that formation ÈÊ depends on antibodies belonging to classes IgG and IgA. It is possible to assume that at inflammatory process in an oral cavity at pregnant women with IPD forming ÈÊ in which formation participates mainly IgA antibodies. At pregnant women with caries when inflammatory reaction more low, than at pregnant women with IPD level of antibodies and IC also more low. Hence at pregnant women with caries formation and elimination IC correspond to changes of level of antibodies. At IPD when strong inflammatory reaction is observed, the strong antigene stimulus promotes increase of level of certain classes of antibodies (IgG), also level IC which correlates with IgG-antibody (r=0,42) and IgA-antibody (r =0,44) simultaneously raises. It is possible to consider that at IPD increase of level IC is adequate reciprocal immune system.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2008, 3, pp. 45-47.


Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia


Bronchial asthma is one of the widespread diseases in humanity. According to different authors, 3-4% of the world’s population is diseased with asthma, and the 4% of the population has asthma in anamneses (O’Connor et al, 1986).The object of the given work is to study the depressive syndrome in the patients diseased with bronchial asthma, to analyze the results received and to find the preventive ways. The work is actual, because both asthma and depressive syndrome are widely spread in the population. Depression is a degradation of disposition and humor [3]. It is characterized with disposing humor, anorexia, sleeping problems, disability, impossibility of decision, thinking about suicide, sexual disorder, sadness. If at least five complaints still remain after two weeks – they think that you are depressed [1]. The researches were carried out in the therapy department of Batumi clinical hospital in 2007-2008 - 30 patients participated in the research. The patients were suffering from daily attacks of persisting bronchial asthma according to the classification approved by the USA Healthcare National Institute (Global Initiative for Asthma, NIH Publication, NO 95-3659, 1995). We applied the depressive scale while researching. We have asserted that 75% of the patients observed are sad, among them 25% say that they are sad all day long and unable to get rid of it. 10% of them think about suicide but not always. And 6% of them will suicide if she/he has any chance. A high indicator of sadness highlights masquerading invisible depression. We should note here that this indicator among unmarried people is very low, especially among women. 10% expose suicidal ideas, among them 6% is categorical, which, we think is very dangerous. The majority of the depressed people do not work. So, treating bronchial asthma, we should take into consideration the existence of depressive disposition or humor, definition of the quality of neurotic register, elimination of which is conditioned by treating with antidepressants.