2009, ¹ 1


Gurbanov G.



J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 9-14.


Azerbaijan Medical University


Given the goals and objectives of the research, out of 387 infant patients with LIID under supervision, we had selected 86 with moderate form of pathology, and, depending on the premorbid background and the degree of PoL indicators’ deviation from age norm, had distributed them into 4 groups.

In these groups, the differentiated approach to the administration of metabolic drugs (vit. mixture, qeurcetine and riboxine) was applied. The dose of vitamins in the mixture was between single daily requirement till triple daily requirement for infants. During long-term administration of vit. mixture, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis in the treatment dynamics, the sensitivity of erythrocyte membranes to vit. A and E in vitro was determined.

In case of no aggravated anamnesis (group 1), the antibiotics therapy, combined with vit. mixture 3 had facilitated the rehabilitation of clinical-metabolic status of a child patient, in case of presence of aggravating factors line in group 2, although there was quercetine added, similar results were obtained only in 75% of cases. In case of combination of three and more aggravating factors (group 3), regardless of administration of combined AO medications (vit. mixture 3, quercetine, riboxine), clinical-metabolic recovery was observed only in 65.2% of cases. In children from control group 4, who received antibiotics therapy, combined with vit. mixture 1, clinical-metabolic rehabilitation happened only in 29,2% of cases.

Absence of normalization of metabolic indicators in some patients even in case of combined administration of three anti-oxidizing substances, dictates the expediency of having not only the differentiated treatment approach, but also, along with that, an individual approach to the specific patient from the group.

Above-mentioned results are basis for inclusion of these patients in to the risk group for aggravation of the mild form of the disease or, otherwise, for development of a new bacterial inflammatory process.



Immunological aspects of endoscope microsurgery and local steroid therapy of patients with Polypoid rhinosinusitis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 14-19.


Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Georgia, Tbilisi


Chronic polyposes of a nose and accessory sinuses are characterized by serious suppression of immune system of patients, especially at heavier forms of disease. Surgical intervention also is accompanied by immunedepression. However, endoscope microsurgery possesses more sparing effect on immune factors, than traditional operation. Endonasal corticosteroid therapy – Nasonex  (especially in a complex with endoscope surgery) promotes improvement of quality of the postoperational period that was accompanied by normalization of the immune status of patients.   



AliYeva T.

A Comparative Analysis of lithium level in blood and lymph during General (anaphylactic shock) and Local (Arthus phenomenon) allergic reactions

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 19-21.


Department of Pathological Physiology, Azerbaijan Medical University


The aim of the investigation was a comparative analysis of lithium level in blood and lymph during general (anaphylactic shock) and local (Arthus phenomenon) allergic reactions.

The experiments were carried out in 2 series; as a control was taken the level of lithium in the blood and lymph of intact animals. To reproduce anaphylactic shock in experiment, the rabbits were sensitized at 7, 14 days by the way of subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml horse serum, and the key dose (1ml) was injected into the heart cavity. To reproduce the Overy phenomenon, the animals were sensitized by subcutaneous administration of a key dose of horse serum into the auricular vein. Blood necessary for the experiment was taken from the rabbits’ marginal vein, and lymph - from the thoracic lymph duct.  

Lithium was defined by the atomic absorption method with the help of the atomic-absorption spectrometer AAS-300 of the firm “Perkin Elmer” USA.

 As a result of the investigation the following conclusions have been drawn:

1. The lithium level in blood and lymph is decreased during general, as well as local reactions;  

2. This decrease is more marked in blood than in lymph.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 21-24.


Department of Topographic & Clinical Anatomy, Tbilisi State Medical University


Total values of the Gleasson scores in biopsy samples as well as in the operative material were equal in 83.5% of patients.  In the biopsy samples, 1-5 scores in total were marked in 48.5% and in 39.7% of the postoperative material. In the biopsy samples, 6-7 scores in total were fixed in 42.6%; in the postoperative material – 48.5%. In the biopsy samples, 8-10 scores in total were marked in 8.8%; in the postoperative material – 11.8%.


Bayramova A.

eLABORATION of diagnostic methods fOR myocardial infarction in patients with metabolic syndrome

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 24-28.


II Department of Internal Diseases, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The target of our research was to study: the levels of ANP (atrial natriuretik peptide), kortizol, lipid spectrum indexes; the extent of their overoxidation, and the reaction of the antioxidant system during myocardial infarction. 67 patients were examined: 39 - with myocardial infarction and metabolic syndrome (MS), 18 - with myocardial infarction without MS, and 10 patients with lethal outcome. The research showed that heightened levels of ANP and kortizol have prognostic significance in the course of myocardial infarction and heart failure. Also we observed the increasing cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA and katalaza in primary myocardial infarction patients as compared to the recurrent cases. The high level of ANP is the index of a damaged area in the myocardium.


Garayev G., Omarov I., Mehdiyev S.

The impact of heptral ON THE recoverY OF functional disorders

of the liver, DEPENDING ON THE phase of peritonitis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 28-33.


Department of Surgery of the Military-Medical Faculty, Research Ñenter, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan


The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effect of a direct heptoral injection into the liver (with à microirrigator placed in the round ligament of the liver) on the functional disorders of the liver resulting from peritonitis, and the expediency of its application according to the phases of peritonitis.

The experiments were carried out on 36 underbred dogs 16-22kg in weight. According to the phases of peritonitis, the experimental animals were divided into 3 groups, and each group included 12 dogs. Biochemical examinations were carried out in each group with intact cases 1, 2, 3 days after the injection.

The results have shown that heptral injection rendered a positive effect on the reactive phase of peritonitis in the experimental animals, preventing further progressing of intoxication process in the toxic phase: this injection stabilized it and caused the decrease in the concentration of toxic substances in the blood. But in the terminal phase it didn’t render any strong positive therapeutic effect on the functional activity of the liver.


Makhmudova F.

Functional state of left ventricular myocardium

and exchange properties of the connective tissue in the children with minor heart abnormalities

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 33-37.


Department of Children Diseases ¹1, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


To study the features of cardiohemodinamics and biochemical indices of CT exchange in children with minor heart abnormalities (MHA), there were examined 30 children at the age of 7-11 years with MHA during the course of DCT: I Group (n=16) are the children with isolated MHA without mitral regurgitation (MR), II Group (n=14) are children with combination of 2 or more MHA with MR. The control group was assembled of 16 children of the respective age without MHA. All the children passed Doppler echocardiography and determination of biochemical markers of CT (oxiproline(OP), glycosaminoglycans (GAG)). As a result of the study, there were not observed any significant changes of cardiohemodinamic indices in the children of the I Group; the features of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart were observed in the II Group. The changes of biochemical indices in both groups were identical (heightened excretion of OP and GAG with urine and loss of GAG in blood). More evident disturbances of CT exchange corresponded to combined MHA and MR.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 37-40.


TSMU Department of Topographic and Clinical Anatomy, Tbilisi, Georgia


The experimental work was conducted on 15 white rats (weight 180-200 gm). The first stage (3) included the control group; in the second stage (12) gastrectomy by Billroth I technique was carried out. The existance of microsomal proteins, as well as cytochrome P-450 b5 and activity of NADPH C-cytochrome reductase, P-anilinhydroxylase and amidopirin-N-demetilase were evaluated in the microsomal fractions of the liver and gastric mucosa before the surgery and 3, 10, 20 and 30 days after the operation.

The essential changes were noticed in the activities of the biotransformation enzymes of the liver and stomach mucosa after the surgery. On the 30th day after the surgery, a tendency to the restoration of the activity of most of the microsomal proteins of the liver and gastric mucosa was observed.



spread of different histological forms of lung cancer in Azerbaijan

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 40-46.


National Center of Oncology, Azerbaijan,Baku


The lung cancer keeps 3rd place in Azerbaijan, in common structure of oncological diseases, as well as within malignant tumors in men. The spread of the different histological forms of lung cancer in Azerbaijan, and also the influence of certain factors, like a sex, regional features, bad habits, to histopathy of lung cancer were researched. The materials of study were the case histories of 876 patients, who were observed in National Center of Oncology and Baku’s City’s dispensary during period of time from 1995 to 2003. The territory of Azerbaijan was conditionally divided to 5 regions, in which separate administrative regions were included, and patients were distributing to these due to their domicile. In all regions the most common histological type was squamous cell carcinoma. The highest rate of squamous cell carcinoma 230 (55.5%) was noted in first region. This histological type independent from sex amount 54.4% between other types of lung cancer. The squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosticated in 213 (59,3%), adenocarcinoma in 37 (10,2%), small cell carcinoma in 6 patients (1,6%),  large cell carcinoma in 6 (10,5%) patients within 361 with central lung cancer. It was revealed that smoking and alcoholic dings increases risk of lung cancer. More than the half of the patients (53,5%) besides smoking were alcoholic drinkers. 


Hasanov V.

MicrobiologicAL characteristicS of dental MORBIDITYamong the oil workerS of THE Caspian SEA

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 46-51.


Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, AMU, Azerbaijan, Baku


There have been studied the microbiological peculiarities of dental diseases spread among oil workers. The mechanism of development of dental diseases and their etiology were determined. Thus it is possible to make the best and intlligent choise of the conservative antibacterial treatment procedures.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 51-54.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The status of peroxide oxidation of lipids (POL) in the dynamics of pathological process was studied in 35 infants with sepsis and 20 healthy children of the same age.

It was determined that during sepsis in infants POL process indicators are exposed to substantial changes, depending of the severity of the process. A close relation is revealed between these indicators of metabolic processes in erythrocytes and clinical manifestation of sepsis.

During dynamic clinical-biochemical observation it was determined that POL process indicators can be used for diagnostic and forecasting purposes in assessing the severity and outcomes of sepsis. Highly informative were LDA level in erythrocytes, peroxide hemolisis acceleration, degradation (“clening”) of cells from MDA and AOA of blood lipids.


Todua L., Mshvidobadze E., Nikuradze N.

Blepharitis Demodecosus

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 54-57.


Tbilisis State Medical University, Department of Eye Diseases, Georgia


The mite demodex folliculorum  first described by Burchardt in 1884, can be found in the hair follicles of the eyelashes. The shorter species Demodex brevis inhabits meibomian and other sebaceous glands.                                                                     

Methods. The study was carried out on 47 patients. Durind the study patients were subdivided into 2 groups; I group 18 patients (36 eyes) with low quantity of parasites , II group 29 (58 eyes) with high quantity. Symptoms were itching, foreign body sensation and so on. There was anterior and posterior blepharitis with thickening and vasodilatation of the lid margins. In bouth groups treatment was continuous for 3 months.

Results. Objective and  subjective signs were improved in both groups, but in I group it takes shorter  time as well. 

Conclusion. Based on literature and our study we recommend in cases of  Demodex blepharitis  conduct specific hygienic procedures using such drugs as Blepharogel-2 or Demalan  with systemic antiparasite treatment.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 57-60.


Department of Stomatology of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


Investigating patients with systemic lupus erithematosis, we revealed polysyndromic changes of diagnostic character in their jàw-dental area. It was also determined that the changes depend on the activity and duration of the course of the disease and include facial skin rush and erithematous patches, lupus-hailitis, inflammatory-dystrophic processes in the gums, stomatitis, enantema, osteoporosis, jàw bone resorption; also productive vasculitis, selerosis, gialinosis and other disturbances on the cell and tissue level.


Pashayev Ch., Gamsaev B., Damirchieva M.

medical-social investigations OF dentistS’ motivation

TO USE biologiñAL method fOR treatment of pulpitis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 60-63.


To determine the motivation of dentists for application of the biological method for the treatment of pulpitis, 200 dentists working at different governmental and private dental offices of Baku were questioned. The results of the investigations showed that 60-80% of doctors support this method, and only 50%-70.1% of dentists don’t use it in practice: in their opinion, that’s caused by technical difficulties of the method, by the absence of effective medicaments and adequate evaluation of their labor. It is important to form and develop dentists’ motivation to use a conservative method for the treatment of pulpitis. For this reason it is essential to better inform dentists about this method.



Radiographic and sonographic signs of breast cancer

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 63-67.


Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiotherapy, AMU, Baku


The purpose of the presented research was a complex mammographic and sonographic investigation of 450 patients with different diseases of the breast. The characteristic signs of breast cancer were determined by mammography and sonography.

It was established that a combined and properly consecutive application of mammography and sonography improves diagnosis and differential diagnosis of breast cancer.      



Seasonal studying and standardization of polyphenols in propolis from various REGIONS of Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 1, pp. 67-69.


Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia


The variety of Georgian flora and features of the Caucasian bee with a long proboscis has and effect on the structure and pharmacological properties of propolis. During the study of the ultraviolet spectrum of propolis spirit solutions, two maxima of absorption – 210 and 290 nm (that is characteristic of flavonoids) were established, specifying the high quality of propolis.

In all samples of Georgian propolis the quantity of polyphenols exceeded the pharmacopeia norm by 25% on average that allows preparing biologically active propolis preparations from local raw material.