1. Akhmeteli L., Saginashvili L., Khotenashvili L., Merabishvili G.

Treatment tacticS FOR upper gastrointestinal bleeding

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 9-12.


Surgery Department of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


The article deals with 305 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding registered at the Surgery Department of Kipshidze University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University from 2005 to 2008. Endoscopy was performed in 09.36%, electrocoagulation – in 56.7%, doubled endoscopy - in 3.66%, recoagulation - in 4.04%. Surgical activity amounted to 5.25%, lethality – to 1.31%.

Thus, despite of a significantly increased number of cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, surgical activity is too low. This can be explained by the wide implementation of endoscopy and modern effective medications.


2. KuliYev Ch., PoluKhov R., Zeyniev L., Magomedov V.

Disbiotic infringements of LARGE intestineS microflora and their correction DURING HirschSprung’s disease IN children

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 12-16.


Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


Treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease - heavy developmental anomaly of the large intestines distal department - is one of the actual problems in modern pediatric coloproctology. However, despite of a quantity of the researches devoted to the improvement of the results of treatment for the given heavy pathology, the amount of its purulent-septic postoperative complications still reaches 28-70 %.

The authors researched 50 patients with Hirschprung’s disease treated during 2003-2008 in the Pediatric Surgery Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University. Clinical, radiological, laboratory researches and a dynamic study of the intestinal microflora (as the basic indicator of dysbacteriosis) were carried out for all patients. As a result, we offer the preoperative correction of disbiotic infringements of large intestines microflora with the aim of reduction of the quantity of postoperative purulent complications.


3. S.Guseynov,  U.Guliyev

Reaction of sympato-adrenal and blood system of boxer students  after the effect of standard   intensive actual load

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 16-19.



It was determined that, is no available difference of blood adrenaline  and  palpitation in the students having II and III education year and in the students having II and I sport rank. Short intensive actual  load caused sharp growth of these factors in this students. Depending on these students age and sport qualification  blood and palpitation  adrenaline’s reducement  occurs  after the standard actual load.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 19-22.


A.Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia


The following data have been obtained on the basis of the maternity hospital “Beau Monde” Ltd. 1311 histories of unifetal timely childbirths, of case histories from stationary and maternity consultation, exchange cards were processed.

The analysis of Georgian newborns’ physical indices, taking into account maternal anamneses, showed the following:

1.   An early registration favors an increase in the indices of newborns’ physical development.

2.   An increase was marked in the indices of newborns’ physical development among the repeatedly pregnant women with the gap between pregnancies 2.5-3.5 years and without medical abortions; the increase lasted until the fourth childbirth.

3.   The growth of physical data of newborns lasted to a certain age of mothers (28-29) and in most cases was directly proportional to their physical indexes. But an inversely proportional dependence was often noted in young parturients.


5. Rzayev E.

Regional normativities of CHILDREN’S kidneyS based

on ultrasonIC information

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 22-24.


Department of Children’s Diseases, Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan


Our examinations showed that the kidney enlarges in width slowly. Both in girls and boys the width of the right kidney is larger at all ages.

The kidney volume increases in boys by 10 cm for each 1.5 mm of length, in girls – 1.6 mm of length. The increase in the kidney volume depends on the beginning of puberty both in boys and girls.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 24-28.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


One of the most important factors of the immune response regulation is the system of cytokines. We examined the level of cytokine products (TNFa, IL-10, IL-12) in 56 children suffering from atopic bronchial asthma, depending on the periods and stages of the illness. Abnormalities in the cytokine system are increasing according to the complication of the pathological process, which leads to the irreversibility of cells and histoprocesses in vivo.

The received results showed that the cytokine response in children suffering from atopic bronchial asthma is characterized by changing cytokine products; on this basis, it’s possible to assess the directivity of the immune response and to choose immunocorrecting therapy.



THE Influence of IODINE deficiency on THE frequency of children’s illnesses

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 28-32.


S. Khechinashvili University Clinic, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of iodine deficiency on the children with frequent upper respiratory tract infection and accompanying complications. There were observed 50 children aged 3-15 years.

The investigation showed the dependence of the disease frequency and severity on the level of iodine concentration in the urine. This tendency is more distinct in the age group under 10 years. Investigating the iodine intake in children with low immune response will be important for the following correction of iodine deficiency.


8. Hasanova Z., Mamedov Y., AliYev M.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 32-36.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The purpose of the present research was to study the influence of the preparation Essentiale Forte on the parameters of blood and lymph coagulability during toxic experimental hepatitis. The experiments were carried out on 34 “Chinchilla” rabbits of both sexes weighing 2.0-3.0 kg (under narcosis). Toxic hepatitis was modeled by the method of Lopukhina Y.M. et al. (1970). All animals were divided into 2 groups, 14 animals in each. The results of our researches have shown that modeling of toxic hepatitis leads to changes in blood and lymph coagulation. An intraperitoneal introduction into an animal of 10 ml of essential phospholipids solution through special catheter for the period from the 7th experiment till the 15th day favorably influenced coagulation parameters and RLO from the chest channel. Comparing our data with literary information, the concept put forward earlier has been confirmed about the unity of the coagulation system, anticoagulation and fibrinolysis in all circuits (blood-interstitial-lymph) of humoral transport (Mamedov Y.J., 1981). The received results of the experimental application of the preparation Essentiale Forte have shown its high efficiency and availability for various diseases of the liver and other pathological processes, during which the infringements of blood and lymph coagulant abilities are noted.



ElectromYography of penis in diagnosIs of erectile dysfunctions

IN patients with diabetes MELLITUS

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 36-41.


Inter-district Endocrinology Dispensary, Sheki, Azerbaijan


For the primary diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (ED), anamnesis gathering and IIED questioning, general survey and basic laboratory researches (the level of glucose, cholesterol and testosterone in the blood) are considered sufficient. However, to determine the reason for organic ED, it’s necessary to perform pharmacological Dopplergraphy, to exclude vasculargenic ED. The Valsalva-test allows to judge about the infringements of vegetative denervation of all internal organs, including genitals, but it’s not obviously capable to specify the electric activity of the penis. Therefore, to diagnose local diabetic neuropathy, including neurogenic ED, in diabetic patients, electromyography of the penis is expedient. Early diagnosed ED facilitates its preliminary prophylaxis and treatment in patients with diabetes mellitus.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 41-43.


Surgical Department of N. Kipshidze Central University Clinic Ltd, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


It must be mentioned that one patient had antibiotic idiosyncrasy. In spite of this, his abscess cavity was closed later against the background of corticosteroid involvement. Out of 18 patients of the given group, 3 were taken to the ambulatory regimen 7-8 days after the treatment had been started. One of them continued his treatment in another hospital and two of them - at home. During the process of treatment two catheters were transferred from the abscess cavity and because of that it became necessary to carry out the reposition of the catheters. Prolonged transnasal drainage of the lung abscess saves patients from the repeated and frequent bronchoskopy examinations, reduces the period of recovery and treatment expenses.


11. Nabiyev E.

analysis of the reasons FOR complications arising DUE TO conservative treatment FOR congenital hip dislocation in children and their surgical correction

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 43-47.


Azerbaijan Research Institute for Traumatology and Orthopedy, Baku


There were 122 2-13-year-old children (166 joints) with complications after conservative treatment of congenital hip dislocation under our observation at AISRTO over the period of 1993-2009. 23 of them were boys and 99 - girls. 56 patients were treated by the functional method, by the Lorence method - 14, and the rest - through skeleton traction. The following types of complications are noted after the conservative treatment of congenital hip dislocation: residual subluxations - in 40 cases, relaxation - in 39 cases, aseptic necrosis - in 27 cases and non-reduced dislocation - in 54 cases. We have worked out an algorithm for surgical correction, depending on the type of pathology and X-ray indices, to choose the optimal type of surgery. The results of the surgical operations were studied in 85 patients over 1-12 years. Good results were gained in 54 patients, satisfactory results - in 20, and unsatisfactory results - in 11 patients. 

After the conservative treatment of congenital hip dislocation, the analysis of the main reasons for the complications showed that they bore yatrogen character in most cases.


12. Guliyev N., Guliyeva A.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 47-52.


K.Farajeva Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics, Baku, Azerbaijan


The aim of the present work was to study hypoxic-ischemic lesions of various severity of newborns’ heart muscle in dynamics. Simultaneously with echocardiography, in 60 newborns were determined cardiospecific proteins TnT and TnI, also myocardial isoenzymes KFK-MB, LDQ-I. I group consisted of 39 children (medium-severity lesion); II group consisted of 21 infants (severe lesion). The control group consisted of practically healthy 31 newborns. For statistical processing of the collected information, the t-Student parametric criterion and nonparametric criterion of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney were used, also was used the Pirson – x2 agreement criterion. It was proved that in hypoxic lesions of the heart muscles, the level of cardiospecific proteins (TnT, TnI) and myocardial isoenzymes (KFK-MB, LDQ-I) increases, there occurs widening of the principal heart chambers and lowering of contractile abilities of the myocardium. Thus, the collected information permitted us to work out effective methods for diagnosis and correction with 10% solution of carnitine chloride, which caused a decrease in the deepness of the myocardium, also decreased the frequency of lesions in the elderly, and the risk of increased hypoxic cardiopathy. 


13. Mustafaeva I., AliYeva E.

ParticularITIES of physical changes AND sexual development of girls during puberty in NaKHcHivan city

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 52-54.


III Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The purpose of investigation was to examine physical development, changes of secondary sexual signs and menstrual function in the Nakhchivan girls during physiological puberty. 

10-17-year-old 260 girls were examined: 121 (46.5%) of them had physiological development. During physical examination, height and weight were measured. Gynecologic study included breast examination, definition of the Tanner stages of the breast, and pubic hair development.

The researches performed in Nakhchivan allowed us to determine physiological criteria of physical and sexual development of girls in the given region.



Phage Therapy and PROPHYLAXIS of Surgical Infection in Case of Open INJURY TO THE Maxillfacial Region

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 54-58.


I Surgery Department, N. Kipshidze Central University Clinic, Tbilisi


The research was done on 235 patients with open injuries to the maxillfacial region. 185 of them had “fresh”, not purulent wounds, 50 - suppurated wounds.

On the basis of microbiological studies was determined that most of overwhelming bacteria which are detached from the wound in first 6 hours cause the suppuration.

Surgical infection was detected in 12.4%; the agents of the infection were: S. aureus, Streptococcus spp, E. coli, Proteus spp and Klebsiella.

On the basis of these studies we can make conclusions: phage prophylaxis decreases the development of surgical infection to 3.4%; phage therapy for suppurated wounds improves clinical and microbiological parameters of wound cleansing for about 5.2±0.3 days, and reduces the period of wound healing.



THE Influence OF TRIMETAZIDINE on ECTOPIC activity OF THE myocardium IN patients with stable ANGINA AND ischemic PRECONDITIONING PHENOMENON

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 58-61.


J. Abdullayev Research Institute of Cardiology, Baku, Azerbaijan


To study the influence of trimetazidine on myocardial ectopic activity, 33 patients with II-III functional class stable angina were examined. Depending on the presence of the ischemic preconditioning (IP) phenomenon, the patients have been divided into 2 groups: 1st group consisted of 15 patients without IP phenomenon, 2nd – of 18 patients with IP phenomenon. Antiarrhythmic efficiency of trimetazidine ÌÂ (70 mg a day) was estimated by means of Holter monitoring data of ECG against the background of basic antianginal therapy (ACE inhibitors, statins, aniagregants, calcium antagonists - dihydropyridines).     

It is established that over 4 weeks of treatment with trimetazidine, in patients with IP phenomenon the total amount of ventricular arrhythmias decreased by 1.6 times compared to the patients without IP phenomenon. Thus, the greatest antiarrhythmic effect is noted concerning low and high gradations of ventricular extrasystoles.


16. Ibrahimov M.

Spread of congenital developmentAL defects among children in the Autonomous Republic OF Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 61-64.


I Department of Children’s Diseases, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The article deals with the risk factors causing congenital developmental malformations. The results of retrospective (1990-1999) and prospective (2000-2008) researches, which have been carried out in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, are given in the table.   




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 64-67.


G.Zhvania Pediatric Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


The aim of the study is to evaluate various types of Congenital Ileus (CI), their frequency among developmental anomalies and results of surgical interventions. 644 newborns with developmental anomalies were admitted to the department of Neonatal Surgery of G.Zhvania Pediatric Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University between 2001 and 2008. 193 (29.9%) neonates were diagnosed with CI; their ages ranged from 1 to 19 days; males were 115 (59.6%), females – 78 (40.4%). Prematurity was evident in 38 cases. The referral rate was various and fluctuated among 13 and 47 (6.7 – 24.3%).

The outcome of surgical correction of CI depends on the pattern of intussusceptions, age of patient at the time of referral, gestational age, as well as a type of surgical intervention. The prognosis and course of CI is aggravated by concomitant developmental anomalies of other organs and systems. High mortality rates of CI (postoperative-20%, total – 23.9%) emphasize the problem of an effective implementation of antenatal diagnosis for timely identification of developmental anomalies, especially with multiorganic involvement.



THE EffectivenesS of fibratEs and corn oil FOR patients with

metAbolic sYndromE and type II diabetes

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 67-72.


Azerbaijan Medical University; City Endocrinology Dispensary, Baku


Prevention of macroangiopathy and stability of lipid exchange during the treatment process are most important factors for type II diabetic patients. Taking into account predominant hypertriglyceridemia in these patients, fibrates were used during the treatment process.

A research was carried out on 67 patients who were divided into 4 groups. To all groups (1, 2, 3), except the 4th group, were given liponor and several types of oils during the diet. Cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL, HDL and HbA1C were checked up before and after the research. The test results of those patients who were given fibrates and oil during the diet showed a normalized lipid exchange, which proves the importance and effectiveness of the use of fibrates and oil in type II diabetes.


19. Kerim-zade G.

age-RELATED aspects in the STUDY of THE human facial nerve

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 72-75.


Department of Human Anatomy of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The facial nerve bundles amount to 4-9. We determined that age peculiarities and the indices of nerve asymmetry are related to the diameter of the nerve, as well as to the amount of myelin nerve fibers. In the facial nerve branches were determined myelin nerve fibers of all calibers.


20. Azizova A.

Some aspects OF hemodynamic changes IN patients with chronic renal insufficiency on PERMANENT programmed hemodialysis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 4, pp. 75-77.


Central Hospital for Oil Explorers, Baku, Azerbaijan


According to the WHO, worldwide, more than two million patients with chronic renal insufficiency annually receive programmed hemodialysis. In recent years, an appreciable success has been achieved in the treatment of these patients; therefore, nobody is surprised at the patients receiving programmed hemodialysis for 20 and more years. That’s primarily connected with the improvement of devices and with manufacturing of the communications used for programmed hemodialysis via high technologies. However, despite of the achieved success, there are certain difficulties in the treatment of these problematic patients. Among these problems an appreciable place belongs to the hemodynamic infringements at various stages of the treatment. These changes represent the principal causes of coronary and brain blood circulation infringements with fatal outcome.