The role of nitric oxide in remodeling of pregnant rat uterine artery

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 9-15.


Tbilisi Medical Academy, Georgia


A significant increase in the synthesis of nitric oxide in the third trimester of pregnancy contributes in many respects to the hemodynamic changes that occur during normal development of the process of gestation, and vice versa – reduced NO production is associated with preeclamptic status and various forms of chronic hypertension.

Using an experimental model of preeclampsia, based on the chronic inhibition of NO synthase by L-NAME, we attempted to examine the role of nitric oxide in the remodeling of the main uterine artery in pregnant rats.

It was stated that NO plays the principal role in the remodeling of the mentioned vessel diameter and wall thickness and exerts no effect on the increase of the vessel length.



2. Godovanets  Y.,  Dikusarov  V.,  Kosilova  S.,  Jureva  L.,  Godovanets  À., 

Babintseva A., Êarliychuk Å., Jurkiv O.

Pathology of Perinatal Period: Specific Features of Metabolic Adaptation of Infants Born “Small by the Term of Gestation”

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 15-18.


Bukovina State Medical University, Chernovtsy, Ukraine


The author has studied the immune and antioxidant system in infants born “small by the term of gestation” during the first week of life. The obtained findings suggest gross dysmetabolic derangements in the organism of newborns against the background of placental insufficiency in mothers during pregnancy and labor “oxidative stress”. Timely diagnosis, beginning with changes at the intracellular level, will make it possible to prevent the development of severe syndromes of dysadaptation of neonates during the early neonatal period and to improve the period of rehabilitation after hypoxia.



3. Talishinskiy A.

PARTICULARITIES of THE Effect OF Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation (RFTA) on the Inferior Turbinates

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 18-22.


Department of ENT, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey


The aim of this study is to find out morphological effects of RFTA on the inferior turbinates.

The study has been performed on 14 rabbits divided into 2 groups. In each group 7 rabbits were unilaterally operated. After the application of 500J (75°C) of RF energy to the anteromedial portion of the inferior turbinate, biopsies were obtained for light and transmission electron microscopic evaluation from the operated area of the first group rabbits during the 1st week, and from the rabbits of the second group - in the 8th week. Unoperated 7 turbinates on the opposite site were selected as a control group. Five parameters were examined: cilial length with density and degeneration, degeneration of the epithelium, irregularity of the basal membrane, subepithelial fibrosis. Then samples were classified into 3 - advanced, moderate and no change categories. In the specimen from the first group, the cilia were dispersed, very short and significantly degenerated. Epithelium degeneration was observed in some specimens, however they lacked statistical significance. The basal membrane showed a significant irregularity, and the development of subepithelial fibrosis was observed in all specimens. Biopsies obtained in the 8th week revealed statistically significant regeneration along with degeneration.

RFTA of the inferior turbinates is a reliable method for a long-term therapy; however, in a short period of time, its effect on the ultrastructure of the turbinate may be controversial.


4. HaSiyeva N.A.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 22-26.


Azerbaijan State Medical University, Baku


The application of the specific complex treatment with GOOA increased the systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery (SPLA) – 7.0% (p>0.05) decreased the amount of contractions of the heart – 17.2% (p<0.001). In the result of complex treatment the end diastolic size of the left ventricle (EDS) was 7.1% (p<0.001), the end systolic size (ESS) – 7.7% (p<0.001), the end diastolic volume (EDV) – 17.6% (p<0.001), the end systolic volume (ESV) – 29.0% (p<0.001), the beating volume (BV) – 12.6% (p<0.001), the diameter of the left atrium (DLA) – 3.2% (p<0.05) increased.

The thickening of the front walls of the right ventricle (TFW) – 21.4% (p<0.001), the thickening of the back walls of the left ventricle (TVW) – 1.4% (p>0.05), the thickness of the fence between ventricles (TFV) – 15.2% (p<0.001) and the mass of the left ventricle (MLV) – 10.7% (p<0.001) decreased. The maximal rate of the early phase of the transtricuspidal blood stream (E) – 7.7% (p>0.05), the rate of the end maximal phase of the transtricuspidal blood stream (A) – 14.2% (p>0.05), the gradient E – 15.1% (p<0.05), the gradient A – 28.0% (p<0.001) decreased. The transtricuspidal difference of E/A – 2.7% (p>0.05) increased. The transmitral E – 10.3% (p>0.05), the transmitral A – 2.1% (p>0.05), the gradient E – 23.0% (p>0.05), the gradient A – 5.1% (p>0.05). The transmitral E/A difference – 9.1% (p>0.05) increased.

Thus, the complex treatment results in detaining the process of remodelation and improving the function of the heart.




5. Abasova L., Dashdamirov R., BaKhshaliYev A.

pharmacotherapy with Combined lisinopril and amlodipine IN patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 26-28.


Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology, Baku, Azerbaijan


The study was undertaken to evaluate the antihypertensive effect and safety of therapy with a fixed combination of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor lisinopril (10 mg) and the dihydropyridine calcium blocker amlodipine (5 mg) – so-called Equator - in 57 patients with arterial hypertension stage I–II associated with the metabolic syndrome. The antihypertensive effects were evaluated from the results of daily blood pressure (BP) monitoring following 16 weeks of therapy. It was found that Equator provided a significant optimal BP lowering during a day on a long-term basis: the efficiency of treatment was equal to 97%; the achievement of target BP level equaled 98% at the end of the therapy. Equator also significantly normalized an increased systolic and diastolic BP variability during a day. Moreover, the antihypertensive effect was accompanied by a positive influence on some data of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, thus permitting the use of the drug in patients with arterial hypertension associated with the metabolic syndrome.



6. Jikia I., RizHvadze M., MecKHvarishvili N.

correLation of hormonal and ultrasonographic changes during polycystic ovary syndrome

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 28-31.


Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, TSMU, Georgia


Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most frequent cause of endocrinological disorders in women of reproductive age. The frequency of this pathology is 5 to 10% (7.10). Elucidation of the additional tests to determine the severity of the syndrome is very important problem for modern gynecology.

We have studied 32 adolescents 18 to 35 years of age. The aim of the study was to find a correlation between the number of cystic inclusions in the ovary and hormonal changes. On the basis of the amount of cysts, the main group was divided into four sub-groups. In the first sub-group the amount of cysts was up to five, in the II sub-group - from 5 to 10, in the III sub-group - above 10 cysts, and in the IV sub-group cystic inclusions could not be counted because of their multiplicity. The hormonal (FSH, LH, DEAS, Testosterone) status was studied by the immunoenzyme method. The amount of cystic inclusions was counted by the vaginal ultrasonographic method.

The study results show a correlation between the amount of cystic inclusions and hormonal status. The more numerous are the cysts, the deeper are hormonal changes and clinical signs.


7. SeidaliYeva  S.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 31-36.

                                                                                                                                                                     Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology ¹2, Àzerbaijan State Medical University, Baku


The condition of the system of antioxidant protection (AP) has been researched in pregnant women with chronic hepatitis. In the pregnant women suffering from chronic hepatitis, there was observed a decrease in the buffering capacity of the antioxidant system enzymatic unit against the background of strengthening processes of free radical oxidation. The research results revealed changes in the indices of correlation between the level of lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant protection, especially in the III trimester.



8. Amiraslanova Sh., Aliyeva E., Muradov H., EfendiYeva A., Abdullayeva S.

Modern methods  of diagnostic of preiNvazive  diseases of

the cervix uteri

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 36-39.


Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION: To investigate results of different methods for diagnostic of degree of preinvazive  prosses of the cervix.

METHODS & MATERIAL OF INVESTIGATION: To investigate 30 women with vaginal bleeding. Were define risk of development preinvazive diseases of the cervix of uteri. Were use clinical, functional, endoscopic, cytology and histology methods of investigations.

RESULS OF INVESTIGATION: The using of different modern methods of investigation is believing to diagnostic of early process of carcinoma cervix  uteri.




9. Allakhverdieva M.

THE efficiency of antihomotoxiC preparations IN newborns with hemolYtic disease

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 39-43.


The purpose of our work was to substantiate the efficiency of the application of antihomotoxic preparations to newborns with hemolytic disease. 80 newborns with hemolytic   disease were surveyed for this purpose. The efficiency of antihomotoxic therapy was determined on the basis of the integral index of intoxication, the level of indirect bilirubin and normalization of the cytochemical status.

The received results show the necessity of a wide use of these preparations in newborns with hemolytic disease.



10. Jikia I., RizHvadze M., MecKHvarishvili N.

ClindamYcin Vaginal Cream Versus Oral Metronidazole in the Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 43-46.


Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, TSMU, Georgia


Since 80s a new terminology – Bacterial vaginosis - has appeared in the literature. It’s discussed as vaginal disbacteriosis caused by obligate anaerobic microorganisms and decrease in lactobacteria [8, 9]. The frequency of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age is about 20-30% [10]. The above-mentioned data show that the elaboration of effective treatment protocols is very important.

We have studied 54 women 20 to 35 years of age with diagnosed bacterial vaginosis. Only in 7 cases bacterial vaginosis was present as monoinfection, in all other cases it was combined with vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis and chlamydiosis. The main group was divided into two sub-groups. 27 women in the first sub-group were treated by clindamycin 2% vaginal cream only for 7 days. In the II sub-group the patients were treated by metronidazole per oral administration (500 mg twice a day for 10 days). Bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed by microscopic evaluation of a vaginal smear.

The results show that in the patients of the first sub-group the treatment efficiency was 46% versus 33% of the second sub-group efficiency. The regression of symptoms was observed on the 4th day of clindamycin therapy versus the 7th day of the treatment with oral metronidazole. The recurrence rate of symptoms was higher in the II sub-group, and treatment duration was also longer in the same sub-group. As a result, we can conclude that therapy with clindamycin vaginal cream is much more effective, fast, has less adverse effects than the treatment provided by oral administration of metronidazole.


11. Dadasheva N.Kh.

Risk Factors Affecting THE Development of Cardiovascular Diseases

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 46-52.


The complex of risk factors which predisposes to diseases of the cardiovascular system is called metabolic syndrome. Adiposity is currently considered to be the principal risk factor for CVS diseases.

The majority of people with metabolic risk factors have insulin resistance which is acknowledged as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. And is accociated with the discovery of excretion of various biologically active substances by adipocytes.

Despite a huge number of researches revealing a close relationship between adiposity and cardiovascular diseases a lot of mechanisms underlying this relationship remain still unclear. It is doubtless, however, that adiposity is one of the chief factors triggering many links of the pathogenesis of CVD.



12. Jabrailzade S.M.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 52-57.


Sh. Aleskerova Clinical Maternity Hospital ¹5, Baku, Azerbaijan


In base of the work prescribed analysis given clinical examination 250 womans with mycoplasma  infection in current of pregnancy, sort and postnatal period. In most cases under ìycoplasma  infections existed the complication of the current to pregnancy, with presence several complications. Herewith often beside one and the same pregnancy was noted as hestoz, so and threat of the interruption to pregnancy, intensification to infections and the other complications that several raised the general frequency of the complications. The got data point to radio frequency of the complications in current and upshot of pregnancy beside womans with mycoplasma  infection. Consequently, appears need in scrinig examination pregnancy  for the reason revealing the possible reasons of the arising the complications, reductions of their frequency and productions tacticians conduct of pregnancy and sort beside given contingent of the womans.



13. Babaev A.

Treatment of Arterial hypertension with angiotensin II RECEPTOR antagonist eprosartan

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 57-59.


Institute of Cardiology, Baku, Azerbaijan


45 patients with arterial hypertension (average age 56,8±6,2 years) have been clinically investigated by means of 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring. It was demonstrated that long-term antihypertensive therapy with eprosartan permits to obtain multi-purpose effects: target BP level achievement and normalization of daily BP.



14. ghvamichava r., jugheli l., beruchashvili t., anchabadze kh., charkviani t., gigineishvili m., shvelidze e., giorgadze z., alibegashvili t., gvetadze n., gelashvili n., kartvelishvili n., mchedlishvili i.

First Results of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 59-63.


National Screening Center, Tbilisi, Georgia


In May 2008, the municipality of Tbilisi established “The National Screening Center” that initiated the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program for females who reside in Tbilisi and belong to 40-70 age group for breast screening and 25-60 age group for cervical screening.

The aims of the program are Early detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer cases in target female population and reduction of the Breast and Cervical Cancer morbidity and mortality rates due to early detection.

During the reporting period (May 2008-December 2008) total of 9988 women aged 40-70 residing in Tbilisi and its surroundings were screened for breast cancer and total of 9449 women aged 25-60 residing in Tbilisi and its surroundings were screened for cervical cancer.

During the reporting period (May 2008-December 2008) the screening program identified 85 (0.8%) malignant cases of breast cancer and 405 (4%) beginning cases of breast cancer. The patient monitoring and follow-up group of the screening program evaluated the stage distribution of the breast cancer cases of those patients who have undergone breast surgery. According to the results 69% of breast cancer cases identified by the screening program were stages I and II (a and b).

Out of 9449 PAP smears performed during 2008, 1030 (10.9%) were evaluated as atypical or abnormal, 8 (0.9%) of which were estimated as an Invasive Cervical Cancer.

In conclusion, the first results of the screening program underline the importance of its functioning in Tbilisi and provide strong basis for expansion of the Breast and Cervical Cancer screening program throughout the whole country.



The prevalence of risk factors leading to the Ischemic Heart Disease among the forced migrants settled in the city of Sumgait and the population of Baku of productive  working age in the presence or absence of lung diseases

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 63-69.


A.Aliyev State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, Department of Internal Diseases,

 Baku, Azerbaijan


The article presents the findings of two simultaneous population-epidemiological surveys conducted among the forced migrants settled in the city of Sumgait and the population of Baku of productive working age. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the correlation between the risk factors leading to the Ischemic Heart Disease and the presence of lung diseases in two samples. In order to identify the risk factors leading to the Ischemic Heart Disease and the presence of lung diseases the survey developed and used the questionnaire as well as instrumental survey methods and criteria recommended by the World Health Organization.  Standardized age index was calculated for each variable.

The survey demonstrated that there is no correlation between the presence of lung diseases and the risk factors leading to the Ischemic Heart Disease among the sample of forced migrants. Among the population of Baku the Chronic Non-specific Lung Diseases (CNSLD) the survey revealed a positive correlation between the CNSLD and low physical activity, smoking and obesity. These risk factors leading to the development of insulin resistance confirm the opinion that the extra pulmonal CNSLD occur in the form of the metabolic syndrome development.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 69-73.


Azerbaijan State Medical University, Department of microbiology and immunology, Baku


Secretor IgA (SIgA) is abundant in oral cavity and may play a crucial role in mouth host defences against actinomycoses and parodontitis, gingivititis, stomaitisis, caused by mono or mixed infections agents. The concentration of slgA in these diseases is found less than norma. Mechanism by which slgA prevents the development of phylogenic inflammatory processes consist of apparenthy by inhibition of adhesivity of potential pathogen mikroorganisms to surfaces of mucosal membrane of mouth cavity.


17. Kverenchkhiladze G.

Actual PROBLEMS of Labour Hygiene and Health Condition IN the


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 73-76.


N. Makhviladze Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology, Tbilisi, Georgia


There was conducted a hygienic-clinical comparison based on the investigation of work conditions and state of health of sodium cyanide production workers (according to the temporal work disability data). It was established that the complex of disadvantageous factors of production environment characterizes the process of labour and work conditions of sodium production workers, influencing the state of their health. In the complex of disadvantageous professional factors the leading is an increased concentration of highly toxic chemical substances used in technological processes (ammonia, prussic acid, sodium cyanide) in the air of production buildings, 1.8 – 5.2 times exceeding the limit of acceptable concentration. The production microclimate is characterized by disadvantageous parameters such as high temperature, low air mobility, and in some cases - noise and vibration. The conditions for workers of the basic professions are assessed as harmful to a variable degree.

The average level of morbidity and temporal loss of working ability is 1.7 times higher in the main group as compared to the control. The level of morbidity along with temporal loss of working ability increases 1.9 times with age. Diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, bone-muscular, urinary and digestive systems make up 84.0–85.5%. The structure of the average level of morbidity and temporal loss of working ability statistically reliably differs in the basic and control groups (X2=17.82÷21.81). On the basis of the research, a complex of sanitary recommendations has been elaborated.



18. Babaeva P.R.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 79-79.


Department of orthopedic stomatology, Azerbaijani Medical University, Baku



The received data testify, that all kinds of CM (constructional materials), different types OSD (orthopedic stomatologic designs) used for manufacturing , are exposed to intensive adhesion microorganisms that is caused, first of all, a unsatisfactory condition of hygiene of an oral cavity. In result the level of stomatologic disease among which diseases of a basic teeth are especially allocated, orthopedic a box and stomatitises grows. Microorganisms its combinations with ignoble metals that reduces terms of their safety on the average 3,55±0,21 years are exposed to the most intensive adhesion OSD, made of plastic and partly. Therefore for decrease in a level of orthopedic stomatologic needs it is necessary to find means on protection OSD against adhesion microorganisms that the box will provide preventive maintenance of diseases of a basic teeth and orthopedic and by that terms of safety OSD will be raised.



19. Safarov M. A.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 79-82.


Azerbaijan A.Aliev State Institute of Advanced Medical Studies, Baku


600 patients at the age from 20 till 60 years with various inflammatory parodontitis diseases have been selected for research. The content of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in an oral liquid at various groups of patients has been studied: with rheumatism, with an arterial hypertensia, with ischemic illness of heart, with neurocirculatory dystonia. It is established, that odontogenic infection proceeds against the lowered indicators of the content of sIgA. At carrying out of complex treatment at all groups of patients with odontogenic infection in a saliva observe authentic increase of the content of immunoglobulin of a class sIgA.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 82-85.


P.Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy, TSMU, Georgia



The aim of the study is the investigation of antiapoptotic activity of the preparations Una de Gato and Fenovin on the experimental model of Jurkat cell culture. For this purpose we defined the alternation of Jurkat cells mitochondrial membrane potential by flow cytometry. Under the conditions of oxidative stress, a high antiapoptotic activity of these preparations was established in case of their combined introduction; it was revealed by increasing the mitochondrial membrane potential up to the control level. We can conclude that Una de Gato and Fenovin should be used in different pathological processes for the restoration of mitochondrial energogenesis and prevention of oxidative stress-induced apoptosis.



21. Abbasova Z.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 85-89.


Republican Clinical Hospital, Azerbaijan, Baku


In the article are given the results of microbiological study of the vaginal and cervical contents of 82 women with compensated and decompensated insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD). 

It was established that disbiotic changes in the vagina of women with bacterial vaginitis and colpitis against the background of IDD (independently of gestosis) are rather resistant to the conducted traditional therapy.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 89-92.


Department of Internal Diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


25 insulin-dependent patients (16 men and 9 women, 16 to 55 years of age) with pancreatic diabetes (ID PD) were under observation. Disease duration ranged between 2 and 16 years. The control group consisted of 20 healthy donors without any chronic diseases or heritable predisposition to PD. The aim of the present work was to learn the influence of toxins on insulin therapy in the period of decompensation of carbohydrate metabolism.

During hyperglycemia, the increase in lipid peroxidation (LP) and toxicity of the blood plasma (TBP) was clearly noted. Under the conditions of TBP and increased lipid peroxidation (LP), different diabetic complications also increased. The results of the analysis showed that after plasmapheresis (PP) it was possible to remove a considerable amount of highly-toxic substances from the blood.



23. Alieva T.,  Khappalaeva K.

THE Influence of complex therapy FOR type 2 diabetes on the dynamics of CliniCAL-metabolic status INDEXES IN men

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 92-95.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


Dynamic control over the condition of diabetic patients is an important factor promoting prevention of complications of this disease. The obligatory controllable parameters include body weight, HbA1c level, blood pressure, lipid exchange condition (total cholesterol, TG, LDL cholesterol). Accordingly, the basic preventive measures against the development of complications are DM therapy and effective influence on the risk factors of the disease.

The research objective was to study the influence of complex therapy for diabetes on the dynamics of ñlinical-metabolic status indexes in men. There were selected 42 men with type 2 DM receiving therapy directed to the normalization of metabolic indicators (carbohydrate exchange, exchange lipid, arterial pressure, and body weight). The average duration of the research made up 21.2 months, patients’ average age - 50.9 years.

The ICMS index has improved against the therapy background. The average data of IKMS in the men before the treatment made up 68,76, during the course of treatment – 60.83 (ð<0.001). Changes in each of the metabolic components are of great importance for the correction of the complex therapy.    




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 95-98.


Surgery Department of Batumi Sh. Rustaveli State University, Georgia


18 patients have been treated with Ankaferd blood stopper endoscopic application. The results were studied and revised, and it was stated that the efficiency coefficient of Ankaferd makes up 50%, i.e. a very high index for such severe complications. The only reason the authors don’t recommend wider use of the preparation is a lack of study materials. The present article just serves to report to the medical society that such studies have started.  




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 98-99.


Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


There were studied 47 pregnancies induced by the treatment of idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Ultrasound and cardiotopographic monitoring was conducted during the prenatal period. In case of need, a clinical-genetic assessment of the newborns was also carried out. The peculiarities of the pregnancies, deliveries, and perinatal period complications were determined. A high percent of malformations (14.9%) was revealed in comparison with the control data. A recommendation was given to take “teratological” caution, i.e. to make a prenatal diagnosis before a C-section.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 99-101.


Institute of Medical Biotechnology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi


Phagohterapy is a very affective treatment method for patients with staphylococcal sensitization during infection-induced asthma. The normalization of the humoral and cellular immunity parameters is observed after treatment.




Radiation diagnostics of regional distribution of a peripheral

cancer of lungs

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 101-105.


A.Gvamichava National Oncological Center, Tbilisi, Georgia


Diagnostic opportunities of a computed tomography have been checked up at metastatic damage of lymph nodes of a chest. This method has appeared the most effective and informative – sensitivity, specificity and accuracy at an establishment of borders of lymphatic spread of regional tumoral process has made 86,0%, 89,1% and 87,0%. Roentgenological stugy in this case it has appeared less informative.


28. G. kacitadze,  S. kutubidze,  T. melkadze,  M. kokiashvili,  N. khucishvili


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 8, pp. 108-110.


Department of Urgent & Critical Care, Clinical Hospital of Iv.Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


About 30 cases of snake bites are registered per year at the toxicology department of Tbilisi state university hospital, among them - 12-14 cases of vipera lebetina’s bite. In spite of being multi-component, different snake venoms have mostly two types of action: hemovasotoxic (viper, giurza) and neurotoxic (cobra).

In this report is described a case (it took place in 2008) of snake venom poisoning. The case is interesting because this species of snake – Atheris Nitschei - is not spread in Georgia. The snake which was brought to Tbilisi Zoo from Tanzania had accidentally bitten a herpetologist. The patient was admitted to the department of toxicology of Tbilisi University Hospital 12 hours later after being bitten; he suffered from the upper arm swelling, strong weakness, dizziness. There was a necrotic site on the bitten first finger, hemorrhages, blisters; the arm movement was limited.

As the antitoxic serum immunizing against viper venom has not been yet invented, and also it turned out that the patient was intolerant to any kind of serum, even the polyvalent serum was not used. He was to undergo a course of medical treatment: in spite of intensive therapy, hemorrhages spread even in the abdominal area. Ten days later pathological processes started decreasing. The patient left hospital in satisfactory condition. Some time later the arm was fully recovered anatomically and functionally.