1. Topuria T., Badriashvili N.,  Toputidze M.,  Chkheidze S.

Hepatic damage and cholepatHia in patients with cystic fibrosis and the USE of Ursobil in complex treatment

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.11-15


Institute of Medical Biotechnology; Cystic Fibrosis National Centre; G.Zhvania Pediatric Clinic of TSMU, Tbilisi, Georgia


11 patients with cystic fibrosis and hepatomegaly, cholestasis, hepatic cirrhosis were treated in our clinic with the drug Ursobil (ursodezoxyhall acid) in a daily dose of 15-20mg/kg over long periods of time: 3 patients – for 3 years, 5 – for 1 year, 3 – for 3 months. Despite high doses of the drug, there wasn’t fixed any intolerance to the medication.

The medication has shown: a) its clinical efficiency and safety if used for cystofibrosis in high doses and for a long period; b) its choleretic and immunomodulating effects on patients with cystofibrosis; c) its ability to eliminate malabsorption and correct intestinal biocenosis.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.15-20.


Oncology Department of AMU, Baku, Azerbaijan


Today, there are actual the issues of occurrence frequency, early diagnosis, clinical course, histostructure of some histological variants of malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and also the methods for its treatment and prognosis. From this point of view, an expedient application of flow cytometry - a new criterion for morphodiagnostics - is presented in the article. It can be used for detecting the first symptoms of malignization and for the improvement in diagnosis of this type of neoplasms.

Taking into consideration the fact that one of the criteria for tumor atypicalness are changes in the ploidity of genetic material, DNA weight, and in the quantity of chromosomes detected by means of flow cytometry, deviations from these parameters can serve as a marker of malignant transformation.

Using the obtained data, it is possible to create more exact differential-diagnostic criteria for malignant fibrous tumors of soft tissues to optimize prognosis, and treatment results.


3. Uzankichyan A.

early relaparotomY in abdominal surgery: peculiarities and modern approaches

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp. 20-25.


Department of Surgical Diseases ¹1, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology of M. Heratsi YSMU; “Erebouni” Medical Center, Yerevan, Armenia


The problem of repeated operations is still in the center of surgical attention. All investigators notice that the frequency of relaparotomies increases each year. That’s caused not only by the enhancement of the volume of surgical interventions, but also by the increase in the number of indications in patients with severe somatic problems.

Based on a 15-year experience, in this study we investigated the results of the treatment of 464 patients who underwent relaparotomy because of intra-abdominal complications. We also displayed the peculiarities of modern repeated operations and postoperative treatment.


4. Makashvili L., Kobeshavidze D., Kerimova I., Shamkhalova I.

CliniCal-diagnostic aspects and correction of chronic venous insufficiency IN pregnant women

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp. 25-30.


Clinical Base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of TSMU;

Maternity Home “Imedis klinika”;  Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


The most widespread disease in the modern world is chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities (CVI). Almost 20% of the population of the highly developed countries now suffers from various diseases and progressive side effects of the above-mentioned illness. Recently, the percentage of thrombotic injury to the veins has sharply increased, and this situation is concerned with hereditary and acquired abnormalities of the hemostatic system, uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, and traumatism. The problem of CVI is of great importance to gynecologists, especially during the period of gestation. In order to create the algorithm of the treatment for various stages of chronic venous deficiency and diagnosis in pregnant women, 121 women aged 26-36 years were examined by traditional clinical and obstetrical methods, and in addition Doppler research was carried out with hemostasiogram and immunogram. The first stage of the algorithm included Doppler, but the hemostasiogram and immunogram were as the complementary methods of diagnosing. On the whole, the outcome of our research confirms advisability of Detralex utilization for pregnant women suffering from CVI. It’s expedient to use Detralex-500 in CVI prophylaxis. The degree of anatomical and functional changes in the veins of the lower extremities and a deficit in the hemostatic and immune systems dictate the necessity of Detralex therapy.


5. Mammadov R.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.30-35.


Department of Therapeutic Stomatology of AMU, Baku, Azerbaijan


The results of our investigation show that undesirable conditions of dental health among the working population of Baku are associated with a high prevalence of periodontal inflammatory diseases. The dental health of 58.4±1.7% of investigated people was assessed as bad, of 36.4±1.4% - as average, and of 6.2±0.7% - as good. Periodontitis resulted in the loss of working ability that made up approximately 6.02±0.21 working day per each case of the disease. 



6. Mamed-zade G., Botsvadze N.

The impact of THE surrounding environment oN the formation of congeniTal developmentAL disorders (CDD) in newborns

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp. 35-40.


Scientific-Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baku, Azerbaijan;

Clinical Base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of TSMU

Maternity Home “Imedis klinika”, Tbilisi, Georgia


This article presents the results of an epidemiological research including the retrospective register of congenital developmental disorders in heterogeneous and anthropogenically polluted regions of Azerbaijan (the Absheron peninsula, Guba-Gussar and central lowland regions) for the period 2000-2005. The analysis of the research has revealed a significant spread of CDDs among the surveyed populace, which may be caused by the ecological situation in these regions. The structure of CDDs in these three regions depends on the degree, as well as the nature of the environmental pollution.

The analysis of CDDs has revealed that developmental disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) (30.41%), multiple developmental disorders (27.5%) and hypospadias (22.4%) are the prime types of CDDs in the surveyed regions. The data collected by analyzing the frequency of the developmental disorders influenced by the ecological situation can be considered an informative indication of the anthropogenic pollution of the surrounding environment. This information can be used when analyzing the impact of the ecological situation upon the populace.



7. Uzankichyan A., Asatryan A., Mkhitaryan A., akoPyan G., Minasyan A.

Morphological and bacteriological peculiarities of enteric insufficiency syndrome in diffuse postoperative peritonitis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.40-45.


Department of Surgery N1 and Department of Pathology of YSMU, M.C. “Erebuni”, Yerevan, Armenia


Enteric insufficiency  syndrome is considered as the leading symptom complex that initiates endogenic intoxication to polyorganic failure. Enteric insufficiency is often caused by post operative pyo-septic complications. During an operation, the samples from bowel were taken to  perform a  histological analysis. Samples with content of intestines and stomach, peritoneal liquid and peripherial blood were taken for bacteriological studies.A histological analysis (studies) showed alterations in the local microcirculation of the  intestinal wall with distropho-desquamatic changes of mucose layer, which  decreases in antibacterial defense and erosion. Fibrotic alterations and edema in muscular layer and dystrophy of local nervous system were noticed as well. Bacteriological studies revealed profound bacteremia, proximalization of intestinal microflora, presence of large variety of pathogen bacteria in the content of intestines and in peritoneal exudates. There was 100% matching between extracted bacteria from periferial blood and enterotoxines‘ microflora has been documented established.    



8. Ismaylova N.

Prevalence of IHD among THE mALE POPULATION OF Baku and THE ZaQatala region of the Azerbaijan Republic

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.45-49.


Department of Internal Diseases, A.Aliyev State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, Baku


We have examined a representative selection of 20-59 years old men living in Baku and the Zaqatala region of the Azerbaijan Republic. Strictly standardized examination methods and evaluation criteria were used. The received data indicated that the prevalence of IHD is almost twice as high among the male population of Baku as in the population of the Zaqatala region. Among the men of Baku, almost all the determined forms of IHD prevailed. The epidemiological situation among the Baku population is considerably worse in comparison with the azerbaijanians, avarians and tsakhurians living in Zaqatala.

The main conclusion is the necessity of subsequent studying of IHD epidemiology among the population of other geographical zones of the Azerbaijan Republic.     



9. Ter-Poghosyan H.

Biomechanical justification of the application of third-order bends using edgewise technique

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.49-52.


Department of Orthodontics, M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia


The aim of this study is to give a theoretical substantiation of the magnitude of arch wire diameter decrease in the adjacent teeth area for reducing undesirable reciprocal deflections by redistribution of the force on more teeth while making torsion bends on rectangular orthodontic arch wires for correction of the vestibulolingual position of individual teeth.

The relationships between the tooth inclination angle and the radius of orthodontic arch wire overcast were determined by means of mathematical analysis which will allow managing moments that affect adjacent teeth.



10. Aliyev E.

THE role of electromyographY IN THE diagnosis of Anal incontinencE

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.52-56.


Azerbaijan State Medical University, Baku


Anal incontinence is the main problem in coloproctology. The evaluation of the anal closing system condition by objective examination methods is considered the main priority. In this article is considered the diagnostic capability of electromyography during anal incontinence.

We have examined 15-68 years old 80 patients by means of a “Medicor” myograph. The patients were divided into groups according to the degrees of anal sphincter insufficiency: I degree - 12 patients (15%), II degree – 36 patients (45%), III degree - 32 patients (40%). The examinations were carried out in the pre- and postoperative periods.

It was detected that according to the degree of sphincter insufficiency, free bioelectric activity of the external sphincter decreased. Corresponding to the electromyography results, postoperative gastroplastic patients caused functional rehabilitation in 73.3%. Electromyographic methods could be widely used in therapeutic and surgical treatment of anal incontinence.



11. Huseynova Ñh.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.56-61.


Òherapeutic Stomatology chair of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku



For the first time spent on representative group of patients cytomegalovirus infection research has allowed to reveal infections both a condition of their stomatologic disease, and burdening influence on them a virus infection. First, among patients cytomegalovirus infections there is more intensive destruction of a teeth by caries that is caused, most likely, creation of favorable conditions for development of pathogenic microflora. Secondly, intensive development of pathogenic microflora raises risk of development of inflammatory processes and raises disease gingivitis and parodontitis. In the third, cytomegalovirus  to an infection leads to decrease local immunology to reaction tooth-parodontalnogy systems, that not only raises risk of stomatologic disease, but also burdens their clinical current. Fourthly, breaking local blood circulation, cytomegalovirus infections are reduced by firmness of capillaries that leads to decrease in is functional-physiological properties of fabrics parodontis in which result more favorable conditions as for penetration and development of pathogenic microflora, and an intensification of inflammatory processes are created.



Òhe spread features of malignant tumors among child population in Azerbaijan

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.61-66.


Îoncology Departament of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


We investigated that during 2000-2006 years the rate of incidence of malignant tumors in boys were 1,58 times more than in girls. The structure of malignant tumors in boys and in girls were same. The 51,86% of all malignant tumors in children was haemoblastosis. The most observed type of solid tumors were bone sarcomas.

So, during research period estimated the rate of incidence of malignant tumors of children in different geodraphical region of republic and determine that the higher level of these disease were on Great Caucasus region in general and on both sex particularly, and was lower in Kur-Betweenmountain region and Lenkoran region in boys.


13. Uzankichyan A., Asatryan A., Zakaryan A., Poghosyan G., Zakaryan Z.

superoxidation syndrome in patients with postoperative peritonitis complicated with enteric insufficiency

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.66-71.


Surgery Department ¹1 of YSMU; Department of Biophysics of YSU;

Medical Center “Erebuni”, Yerevan, Armenia


The syndrome of enteric insufficiency is the main cause of endogenous intoxication and organ failure development in patients with diffuse peritonitis. Superoxidation is one of the leading mechanisms of intoxication pathogenesis when the activation of lipoid superoxidation is present along with the increase in the number of peroxide radicals. Samples were taken from the peripheral blood, peritoneal exudates, and from the intestinal and stomach contents during operations on patients suffering from postoperative peritonitis, and analyzed for the research of superoxidation. The method of spontaneous chemoluminescence was used for determination of lipoid superoxidation. The analysis showed the elevated activity and uniformity of lipoid superoxidation in all samples. Complex detoxication therapy along with the methods of extracorporal detoxication was used as a treatment option in patients with endogenous intoxication and organ failure in the postoperative period.


14. Babaeva F.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp. 71-75.


Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases ¹2 of AMU, Baku


We established that symptoms characteristic of dyspeptic syndrome in the researched groups did not reveal any authentic tendency to increase in the presence of bronchial asthma (ð>0.05), though it is necessary to note that such symptoms as early saturation and heartburn came to light more often in the patients of the III group.

It’s also typical that the patients of the I group did not have any complaints about the occurrence of a sharp pain in the epigastria while in the II group this symptom was revealed in 6.5%, and in the III group - in 7.1%, which apparently speaks of the presence of the expressed inflammatory phenomena in the gastric-biliary zone of the given contingent. It is necessary to note that during combined diseases, an authentic discrepancy (p<0.001) was marked in the endoscopic pictures and clinical displays of pathological process in the gastric-biliary zone of the patients with bronchial asthma in comparison with the patients with stomach ulcer. The majority of the surveyed patients had changes in the top departments of the gastroenteric path, while only 25% of the surveyed patients had symptoms characteristic of the stomach.


15. Ter-Poghosyan H., SAAKYAN K., Chergeshtyan H., Manasyan A.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.75-79.


Department of Orthodontics, M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia


The optimal parameters of electrothermal influence on nickel-titanium wires for giving them a new shape (bends) without losing basic physical properties - shape memory, elasticity – have been determined in the clinical conditions. It was confirmed that by thermal influence of electric current on nickel-titanium wires, it’s possible to achieve a new shape without changing the parameters of elasticity. The optimal parameters of continuous current intensity (strength) and interaction time are determined for: Nitinol 0.016, 0.016x0.022, NeoSentalloy 0.016x0.022 (GAC International, Inc). It was established that during heat treatment of nickel-titanium arch wires, the wire shape changes earlier than its elasticity.





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.79-83.


J. Abdullayev Institute of Cardiology, Azerbaijan, Baku


44 patients with chronic - heart failure, I-IV by NYHA functional class within 12 months received supervised treatment. Along with traditional therapy (digogksin, furosemide) 23 of these patients received a combination of perindopril + bisoprolol. And in the treatment of 21 patients used a combination of perindopril + carvedilol. The doses were chosen individually for each patient. Patients of the control group (total 53 people) treated by doctors in their neighborhoods. The survey was conducted of patients before therapy and on the background of the treatment (after 6 and 12 months). The results showed that in patients carvedilol + perindopril was noted more significant improvement of clinical and ECHO KG indicators in comparison with a group of patients receiving bisoprolol + perindopril.


17. AllahverdiYeva R.

The analysis of clinicAL-psychopathological frustration IN the teenagers who have COMMITtED A socialLY dangerous act

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.83-88.


Department of Psychiatry of AMU, Baku


With the purpose of studying teenagers who have committed a socially dangerous act we made a research which provided a medical and psychogenic-pedagogical inspection of 240 teenagers during the period 2007-2009. Teenagers were divided into 2 groups: the first group - 113 teenagers (47.1%) who had attributes of social desadaptation, problems in dialogue, behavior, and mixed forms of desadaptation; the second group - 127 teenagers (52,9%) adapted at the given moment of primary psychological testing. The basis for the formation of psychogenic causes of mental frustration of  the I-group teenagers are social factors, such as education in a large family with more harmonious relationships, higher educational level against the background of hereditary mental diseases and adverse surrounding, with primary criminal liability. In the teenagers of the II group the occurrence of psychogenic frustration is potentiated by the education in unsuccessful and asocial families and repeated involvement in criminal actions, commitment of less heavy criminal act. Thus, the outlined clinic of psychogenic conditions prevails in group 1, whereas in group 2, depressive and sub-depressive psychogenic conditions are observed.



18. Huseynova V., Shamkhalova I., Makashvili L., Kobeshavidze D.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.88-92.


SRI of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baku, Azerbaijan;

Clinical Base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Tbilisi State Medical University - Maternity Home “Imedis klinika”, Tbilisi, Georgia



There were studied the course of pregnancy, state of fetus and newborn after the preparation of 118 women for cesarean delivery by administration of mifepristone and glutam. Three groups were composed: the first group – women who needed emergency caesarean delivery (29.7%); the second group - women with planned caesarean delivery (46.6%); the third group - caesarean delivery at the urgent instance of the parturients and their spouses (23.7%). The state of a fetus and newborn were investigated.

A positive influence of glutam on the oxidative stress in a newborn (lowering of DK concentration in the arterial and venous blood, increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and α-tocopherol) was revealed. Against the background of treatment with mifepristone, there were marked a decrease in persistent decelerations, improvement of fetus state and newborn’s adaptation, formation of the III dominant in the woman.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.92-94.


Department of Stomatology of AMU, Baku, Azerbaijan


Clinical-morphological investigations of the tongue were carried out in 90 patients with rheumatism, systemic lupus erythemathosis and systemic sclerosis, and systemic desquamative glossitis of migratory and fixed forms was revealed. Histological-pathological investigations showed abnormalities of the microcirculation vessels and disorganization of the connective tissue. Timely symptomatic examination of the tongue can be conductive to providing rational therapy along with general therapy.           



Dynamic restoration of tissues DURING autotransplantation of ¾  segment OF THE ileum after large intestine resection

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.94-97.


Department of Surgical Diseases ¹1 and Scientific-Experimental Center of Azerbaijan State Medical University, Baku


The possibility of replacement of ¾ part of the colon by an ileum segment on a free neurovascular peduncle has been studied on dogs. Histomorphological analysis of the anastomosis areas showed that the restoration of tissues in dynamics and the autotransplant adaptation to the new conditions were satisfactory.




J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.97-102.


K. Farajeva Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics, Baku, Azerbaijan


We tested 284 newborns aged 1 day to 1 month born to mothers with aggravated obstetric anamnesis to reveal intrauterine CMV infection. The enzyme immunoassay method, based on revealing specific antibodies to CMV, histological and electron microscopy methods were used for diagnosing CMV, which was detected in 110 (38,7%) newborns. The comparative analysis of the efficiency of serological, cytological, immunoferment assay, molecular-biological (PCR) methods of CMV diagnosing were carried out on newborn children. It was established that each of these methods has their advantages and faults. On the basis of the performed researches, the diagnosis of congenital CMV in newborns can be exposed in the first 2-3 weeks of life (in the presence of aggravated obstetric anamnesis of a mother) via the inspection and detection of specific markers (anti-CMV-IgM, anti-CMV-IgG exceeding parent’s level in blood, CMV cells in urine and saliva).





J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.102-105.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of Internal Diseases and Reanimatology ¹1, Baku


133 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were involved in the investigation. Serious and non-serious parameters of Minnesota code were detected in 57 patients (42.8%). Changes in the CT segment were observed in 50% of the patients. The parameters of MC in the seropositive form of RA (73.6%) show themselves in a higher percentage than in the seronegative form (26.4%). A positive correlation was observed between severity level of anemia and serious and non-serious parameters of MC, especially among the patients with RA lasting more than 5 years.



23. Uzankichyan A.

diagnosis and treatment of THE syndrome OF enteric insufficiency in patients with postoperative pyo-septic complications

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.105-111.


Surgery Department ¹1 of YSMU, «Erebuni» Medical Center, Yerevan, Armenia


The presented work is based on the data of the examination and treatment of 292 patients operated due to decompensated postoperative peritonitis. Relaparatomies due to postoperative peritonitis composed 62.9% of the overall number of double-interferences. 72.2% of the patients with postoperative peritonitis were diagnosed with the syndrome of enteric insufficiency grade II and III. The most common reasons for the development of postoperative peritonitis are: insufficiency of stitches - 43.1%, tertiary peritonitis - 24.6%, necrosis of the wall of organs - 20.2%. The failure of one or several organ systems was observed in 42.1% of cases; besides, the respiratory failure was diagnosed.

This study presents the criteria for the development of enteric insufficiency and the scale for prognostic evaluation. The important treatment criteria are: surgical tactics options, step-by-step antibacterial therapy, and corporeal and extracorporeal detoxication. Because of the unsatisfactory treatment outcome in this group of patients, the considered problem is really actual.



24. Soultanov H., Rahimov V., Omarov T., Ahmadov A., Abdoullayev E.

Diagnosis and correction of changes IN THE hemostatic system during acute pancreatitis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.111-115.


Department of Surgical Diseases ¹1 of AMU;

Surgical Resuscitation Unit of Hospital ¹1, Baku


In order to learn the hemostatic system and hemorheology during acute and chronic pancreatitis, 65 patients were examined. The examinations were performed on the 1st and 10th days, as well as during the period of treatment. As a result of analysing the already conducted examinations, it became clear that hemostasis was disordered in the hypercoagulation type, while hemorheology – in the hemoconcentration type in the acute phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis. The disorders of hemostasis and hemorheology of these types stipulated the acceleration of inflammatory processes, as well as the formation of a destructive process. As a result of the examinations, an early diagnosis of these changes was made. By providing anticoagulant and rheological treatment, the changes in the hemostatic system were timely corrected, and the formation of pancreatonecrosis was prevented.



25. AliYeva T.

the Index of ÑliniÑal-metabolic status as A tool for monitoring THE condition of patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.115-119.


Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


As we know, to assess the metabolic condition of patients with DM type 2, it’s important to control carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, blood pressure and body weight. We have developed the index of clinical-metabolic status (IKMS) which includes all investigated parameters. The research objective was to find out whether the given index reflects distinctions in the clinical-metabolic condition of patients with DM type 2.

In 350 patients were defined HbA1c, total cholesterol, TG, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI, and IKMS was calculated. To assess the IKMS effectiveness as a tool for monitoring the condition of patients with DM type 2, on 70 patients, we tested the therapy directed to the normalization of metabolic data.

In the group of women, IKMS made up 53.8 prior to the beginning of therapy; during the therapy – 47.8; in the group of men, before treatment – 68.8; during treatment – 60.8. Our study demonstrated that IKMS reflects dynamic changes in the clinical-metabolic condition of patient with DM type 2 and gives complex evaluation of DM type 2 patients’ general condition.


26. Mahalov S., Musayeva A.

Outcome of   ischemic  stroke with hemorrhagic  transformation

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.119-123.


Department of Nevrology and Medical Genetics AMU, Baku, Azerbaijan


Íemorrhagic  transformation (HT) can be asymptomatic as occasional finding on during CT or ÌRI  investigations, or symptomatic and cause clinical deterioration  of patients, and sometimes can lead to lethal outcome. However, data of last years on role of HT on a functional outcome of patients with ischemic stroke remain disputable. There is  no influence of  HI1 and HI2 type of HT on functional restoration of patients with ischemic stroke, but HT types such as PH1 and PH2 worsen clinical outcome of  ischemic stroke.



Defisit of androgens in men WITH erectile dysfunction AGAINST THE background of diabetes mellitus

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp. 123-128.


Inter-district Endocrinology Dispensary of Shaki, Azerbaijan


The purpose of the present work is to reveal the deficit of androgens in middle-aged men with diabetes mellitus (DM).  

This research was done in 5 years. 79 patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) against the background of DM type 1 and 2 were included into the research. The age of the patients ranged from17 to 50 years, DM duration – 6 months/30 years, ED duration - 6 months/5 years.

The level of androgens in patients with ED against the background of DM type 1 and 2 depends on their age, duration of diabetes, as well as on the level of glycohemoglobins. The secretion of adrenal androgens in the diabetic patients with ED aged 17 to 50 years was more expressed than of the healthy men of the same age. The patients of this kind would be in normal condition if the testosterone contents were controlled, diabetes compensated, and metabolism corrected.



28. Sultanova S.,  Aliyev E., Azimov E.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.128-130.


Department of Surgical Diseases ¹1, Azerbaijan Medical University


We have performed clinical, laboratory, and diagnostic tests on 40 patients with III degree old perineal lacerations. During clinical examinations, the cause of perineal laceration, delivery conditions were detected, and there were determined infections causing concomitant diseases. Besides, the function of the anal sphincter was examined by sphincterometry and manometry.

According to the results, complex methods of examination are capable to determine the kind and volume of surgical intervention.




hydroxYzinE in THE therapy FOR patients with arterial hypertension

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2009, 9, pp.130-132.


Research Institute of Cardiology; Department of Neurological Diseases,  A.Aliyev Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, Azerbaijan, Baku


The goal of the study was to clarify the spectrum of clinical activity and safety of hydroxyzine during the treatment of anxiety disorders in patients with arterial hypertension. 30 patients aged 45-70 years with arterial hypertension and different states of anxiety received hydroxyzine (50 mg\day) for 10 weeks; that was associated with the improvement of clinical psychiatric parameters and standardized questionnaire data in 28 patients (decrease of anxiety according to the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety by more than 50%, and the improvement of some parameters of quality of life) without any serious side effects. Thus, the experimental results have demonstrated the safety and clinical activity of hydroxyzine in the treatment of different states of anxiety in patients with arterial hypertension.